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Stretching Sequence

Remember, the stretch should only go as far as feels comfortable. If the limb being stretched begins to shake or tremble then it is being over stretched and the stretch should be released slightly.  As flexibility improves it should be possible to extend the stretches further.


o In a seated position sit tall with shoulders relaxed
o Tilt your head to one side
o Feel a gentle stretch on the other side of the neck
o Keep both shoulders relaxed
o If comfortable use your hand to assist the stretch
o Hold for 10-20 seconds and repeat with the other side of the neck


o In a seated position sit tall with shoulders relaxed
o Extend one arm out and across the chest
o Use the other arm to support and assist the stretch
o Hold for 10-20 seconds and repeat with the other arm


o In a seated position sit tall with shoulders relaxed
o Lift one arm up and bend behind the neck
o Reach the hand down the spine
o Support the stretch by positioning the other hand on the elbow
o Hold for 10-20 seconds and repeat with the other arm


o In a seated position sit tall with shoulders relaxed
o Clasp the hands behind the back
o Gently raise your arms behind you
o Relax the neck and shoulders
o Squeeze shoulders blades together
o Hold for 10-20 seconds

Upper Back

o In a seated position sit tall with shoulders relaxed
o Clasp your hands in front of your body
o Slowly raise your arms upwards and forwards
o Round your upper back and stretch your shoulder blades apart
o Hold for 10-20 seconds


o In a seated position sit tall with shoulders relaxed
o Bend one leg bringing the heel towards you
o Rest knee either to the side of the rail or gently on the floor
o To increase the stretch, sit tall and push the hips forward
o Hold for 10-20 seconds and repeat with the other leg


o In a seated position sit tall with shoulders relaxed
o Position one foot on the footboard
o The opposite leg should be firmly on the ground for support
o A stretch should be felt at the back of the extended leg
o To increase the stretch pivot forward at the hips keeping the back straight
o Hold for 10-20 seconds and repeat with the other leg


o In a seated position sit tall with shoulders relaxed
o Lift one leg up and position the ankle across the knee of
the opposite leg
o The opposite leg should be firmly on the ground for support
o Use your hands to support the crossed leg and assist the stretch
o Hold for 10-20 seconds and repeat with the other leg

Lower Back

o Lying face down on the floor/carpet/mat
o Position the palms of your hands directly under shoulders
o Slowly lift the upper body, hyper- extending the spine
o Relax the lower back and abdominal muscles
o Hold for 10-20 seconds and repeat 2 or 3 times

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